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Showing posts from 2013

Singles and worship - a paradise regained

There is a deep identification of singleness especially in the Christmas season for me and some other single people, maybe its the season or the fest or the love we see in families , we singles go back to our dad or mum and siblings to spend the time ; but some cannot, and some find this even incomplete, why?? We were made for relationship, for those married they even say that every good thing their partner could provide is still short of their ideal, maybe , just maybe we haven't found the right person for relationship. Today, I felt alone , longing for someone and then I realised that I already knew that person ... My singleness is for a season - a season I live with the ideal partner, God , and my lone moments of pain converted to greater moments of worship - worship an act of realising that God is all sufficient.

See grace in all

How you see God's grace Embalm your view of sin and God, if you see grace only as a sinners plea , you fail to see the cross, If you see grace only as God's wrath, You miss to see HIS love, So behold the grace in all it is, For Christ has paid it all. ---- By Subin Abraham Mathew ---- Many often people see grace as a means to cover their sin but fail to see that grace is justice in the form of a cross ; this is exactly what John Newton said "It was grace that taught my heart to fear - and grace my fears relieved (meaning he saw that grace was like a hammer on sin at the justice of God, and in the next line meaning that he saw grace to be an "soft cotton wool" cleaning his sins)

Are all religions paths to God

When I was growing up, I was introduced to a wide range of culture and believes, it may have been because like London, Dubai too was and is a pluralistic society although the core religion of Dubai was Islam. Although having been raised in a Christian family, I was given some freedom to choose and find my own believes. Like most people raised in a pluralistic society, I believed in communal harmony and unity of religions. Now, being an Indian also exposed me to the vibrant culture I have at home and this was fueled by my interest in Ahimsa and Gandhian views in life. I too at that age wanted to write “my experiments with truth”. One of the many stories and moral lessons I had learned then, is as follows. <em>Once upon a time, there were five blind men, and they during their usual walk, came across a large elephant in their path. The first person touched the trunk of the elephant and said that it was a huge pipe, the second the stomach and said it was a huge wall, the third the t

Zombie rabbit and other stories

One of the most heard of arguments against the resurrection of Jesus is that the people of ancient times were simple and they did not have the time on advantage of the modern day technology to determine if the risen Jesus was an illusion or real stuff. Recently reading through think theology's blog on the "<a href="">extraordinary evidence</a>" , I decided to write this blog. Sometime ago Micheal Ramsden an apologetic for Christian faith had used this example, and here it is. <blockquote>My friend had a dog and it was very mischievous. One morning it brought in the neighbours pet rabbit in his mouth. My friend was frightened and was helpless to this cruel act his dog had done. The dog had killed the neighbours' pet. So, my friend being a coward as he was took the rabbit out of the dog's mouth and washed the body and dried it, fluffed the hair wit

The Biriyani Factor

 First and foremost do not be alarmed! My skills for cooking are almost null and I will not be handing out any recipes or ideas for making Biriyani. Now you might be wondering, about what in the world I may be talking about! Well the idea is simple and my response to the idea is equally simple. Recently after I had reformed and had decided to get baptised, I kept hearing this thought from my non reformed friends. Although surprised by this idea, I was told that this was not a new food for thought (no pun intended), but actually an old idea that had been floating along for some time. Basically the idea is as follows, One is never satisfied with eating the same kind of food every day and so one tries something different. Probably once a week or maybe even once a month and it could be something like Biriyani,(or whatever exotic food you might think of). So similarly one would be never satisfied in worshipping God the same way so would require a different way of worshipping God, maybe once

Missio Dei

I have recently started working with Missio Dei community of belivers and ot has been an exciting opportunity.  The very first week I was able to live stream conventions by Dr George Samuel on the website. These videos are now on YouTube. I recently wrote a perspective post on the website. Have a look. Love Subin

People of an other city have lived in at least 3 cities and whether it is Dubai,  Chennai or London one think I have noticed is that there’s always a large group of people who are constantly saying more. They are not satisfied with their jobs, their social lives, their financial stability, wife or husband, etc. This is something I also have felt. Some of you who are reading this may even feel so. But I have met another group of people who also have with themselves an unrest but of a different kind. They are not deeply concerned about the stability factor, not to be mistaken for laziness or sluggishness because they are quite the opposite. They work with aim and ace that they would exposure even mediocre workers as lazy. They are tormented within day and night with the constant thoughts of a certain day. No, I am now speaking of people looking for the end of the world gathering food and drink supplies so that they may last. Let me tell you about one suc

Scared rock

I've been scared I've been cut My skin is burning My heart is torn My destiny Its been overwritten My life feels empty now But I know you are here Your voice makes it clear That you still think of me I hope in you, oh my Lord I will wait for your answer When you whisper, you speak love Lord And echos of grace Flow deep into my heart

Answered Prayer - Analysis of poem

I am not sure where I came across this poem, and then it did sound amazing, and so I learned it, memorized it, and took it into my heart. I think its most reffered as "answered prayer". So in a poetic manner I am quoting it, the author is unknown, however, Goodreads have quoted it to   Swami Vivekananda although his version is slightly different. I asked for strength and God gave me difficulties to make me strong. I asked for wisdom and God gave me problems to solve. I asked for prosperity and God gave me brawn and brains to work. I asked for courage and God gave me dangers to overcome. I asked for patience and God placed me in situations where I was forced to wait. I asked for love and God gave me troubled people to help. I asked for favors and God gave me opportunities. I asked for everything so I could enjoy life.  Instead, He gave me life so I could enjoy everything. I received nothing I wanted, I received everything I needed.  Now, I have a HUGE

Setting a standard

Date: 27-28/April, 2013 I have dated this post to remind myself for a longtime as long as I have this blog and the contents of this blog available that this is a day or these are the days I made this decision. The decision is simple, but it runs deep roots in my life as a person and more I realize this, the more I am moved by it. Here is the decision. I SET CHRIST AS LORD [THE ULTIMATE AUTHORITY] OVER ALL THAT I AM, ALL THAT I WILL BE, AND ALL THAT I REPRESENT. For those of you who may wonder the meaning of this message, read the below. For those who the whole idea of my faith in Jesus Christ seems rather absurd and deluded, please ask me about my life, I will tell you what a wretch I been. Context: I had gone through a cocktail of believes and faiths and some of my own creation and polytheism and universalism and inclusive and exclusive faiths and finally atheism,  with the help of objectivism. I heard the message of Christ once more evidently and clearly in 2009, and decided to f

The tough times

I am going through some tough time and it's not economical or productivity based but rather spiritual.  I am constantly realising that I am a sinner and have lost my way.  It also reminds me that I am not going to be any better in the future and wha a doomed life I live.  Oh I wish I could share with you my pain.  I long for redemption and sometimes I feel that I am nothing more than a hypocrite. I fear that I would be exposed for my sins both the present and the past. But it was only recently I was reminded that there is hope.  This period was called anfechtugen,  a period of valleys.  The valleys  are so deep that I often forget about there ever being a high ground.  C S Lewis tells in his book the screw tape letters about this period.  In this period I am more vulnerable to fall. Let me be kept reminded Lord that this period is temporary and keep fighting sin harder in this period as I need more strength.


We often see dogs looking puzzled sometimes golums but we love to see another person being amazed. It is a wonderful expression.  I had a surprise party recently and I was in the mood we classify as wonder.  Now the idea of surprise however silly or shocking,  it is the presence of wonder that makes us like something.  If there was no wonder in an event we rarely go back to it. But more over the fact of us brooding over an event or a time of our lives we find a pleasure or a cool feeling that brings goosebumps when we think of a time we were caught in the pleasing wonder.  C S Lewis tells in the final battle about such a wonder.  He says it like this, "there is a happiness that makes you serious". Seriously? What could this happiness be about? Is it just a simple joke or does this have something to do with the core of our being ? Is it pride - like in winning a battle? I long to be that joyful then. And this reason does keep me wondering how costly life is.