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Missio Dei

I have recently started working with Missio Dei community of belivers and ot has been an exciting opportunity.  The very first week I was able to live stream conventions by Dr George Samuel on the website. These videos are now on YouTube.
I recently wrote a perspective post on the website. Have a look.
Love Subin

I have lived in at least 3 cities and whether it is Dubai,  Chennai or London one thing I have noticed is that there's always a large group of people who are constantly saying more. They are not satisfied with their jobs, their social lives, their financial stability, wife or husband, etc. This is something I also have felt. Some of you who are reading this may even feel so.

But I have met another group of people who also have with themselves an unrest but of a different kind. They are not deeply concerned about the stability factor, not to be mistaken for laziness or sluggishness because they are quite the opposite. They work with aim and ace that they would exposure even mediocre workers as lazy. They are tormented within day and night with the constant thoughts of a certain day.

No, I am now speaking of people looking for the end of the world gathering food and drink supplies so that they may last. Let me tell you about one such person. I was listening to an old recoding made at Christ Church London and a certain person was introduced. He had been on the leadership team of Christ Church London then for some time. This certain man was offered a job to be on the lead team to build the Shard. He turned this job down and joined the church,  a very unusual move especially in the city and the nation. I think it happened just around 2008 when the IT bubble burst, and my question is was this person thinking properly?

As he spoke,  I realised that this man did not come from London nor was he interested to be in London for a great life. He was from an eternal city, living his life to reach that city. I would like to tell you more about this city but this article is only about the people who belong there. It is very difficult to notice there people from anyone. But if you look closely and observe people and their behaviour and values, you may just know someone.

Let's say we are in a city for work only and you are there for a long time. All your thoughts will be of your home. You would miss your home so much that any news about your home would bring you joy or excitement or both. All that you do here in this foreign city is to make money enough to reach the other city. You would work harder to meet deadlines in time with perfection so that you could just go back and be with your lover and not comeback.

I remember how one of my close friend who had got married recently had a project in London. She had been so happy to get this opportunity because she worked hard for it. But since the wedding, she felt bad to not be with her husband. Was it because she was scared that her husband would be jealous? Of course not, she loved his presence. You see in a foreign city the lights and sounds are brilliant but never compared to the sight and voice of your home and your loved one.

These people are more concerned that they make the right decisions in this foreign city because it may affect the duration in the city and delay their journey back.

I'm taking about those sweet yet preachy Christians who seem to care only about heaven. You see, they realise that in the new city they don't have to carry the used shirts and skirts. They have large wardrobes, buffets instead of the tinned meals, comfortable beds instead of small and tight flats. They care that their work here is done and they take the first flight out of this city. But as they live here in this city, they have met you, loved you and want you to enjoy the city they know off. Is it really bad that they want something good for you?

If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable - C S Lewis - Mere Christianity


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