A quick update for those using UBUNTU 12.04 Precise Pangolin. If you wake up one day and find that your computer has turned against you and you are not allowed to login, please do not worry, the end is not near and the computer have not taken over. I call it a bug, computer scientists call it a special feature called "super lock" so relax. The thing is the lightdm a software that is an extensible and resource light HTML based login manager and X-Window manager or in simple words the "place where you enter your password to login into Ubuntu" has a seriously stupid bug. lightdm crash did this to me a few days ago, precisely one day before my examinations halting any hope.
But thanks be to God, i had a non password based guest login and i was able to access.
I did try a bunch of commands like reset password and stuff through bash or command line with root, but you probably do not have to. So, if you cannot login to Ubuntu 12..04 and have not forgotten your password and the page enters you in and then brings you back to login page, disable it. This is how you could do it.
I did try a bunch of commands like reset password and stuff through bash or command line with root, but you probably do not have to. So, if you cannot login to Ubuntu 12..04 and have not forgotten your password and the page enters you in and then brings you back to login page, disable it. This is how you could do it.
- On your login page as shown above, press CTRL + ALT + F1 and you should enter a black screen. This is your command line mode.
- Enter your username and password
- Install gdm : gdm is gnome display manager
- sudo apt-get install gdm
- most likely you should get a screen asking you to choose between lightdm and gdm
- choose gdm
- If you already have it or need more operations
This did the trick for me. Till UBUNTU rectifies the X-window manager, this is the best alternative. But then again if you are facing an apocalyptic world with robots attacking you, all I have to say is get on your knees and ask God to help you. He will hear you out. God Bless You
- sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm