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The WAY we live

We are not a static computer, we breathe, live, and see and interact with in this world.
We were known by God before time began, then called to him, we heard his voice, and because of him, we heard him.

But even before we were justified, and our cause was raised on a tree on Golgotha, by the very God who made us in his sight like the way he, the God of all things saw holiness.

So we were glorified, clothed and made above angels, who share God's glory, this gown of glory, the crown of anointing was placed on us, when on a day Jesus died, and said "it is finished" -- no more would man be below sin or angels, man is now among God, living and breathing in his glory, no longer running for cover in shame, but now standing as warriors dressed in light.

This is what we are, light from the light, word from the word, truth from the truth, so then, my dear brothers and sister, are we to look with lust? does light have lust?, are we to speak with hatred? does the word of God hate? are we to talk with lies when truth is the opposite of lie?

This is the crown of glory bestowed upon us.

Walk like Kings, We are the opposite of sin, sin flees when it sees us, we are the opposite of shame, shame covers itself now when it sees us, we are the opposite of bondage and addiction, the addiction goes to counseling when it looks at us. We are the chosen, this means we were called apart from things that were not wanted. We are the ones that left the capital city of Ur in the great Mesopotamia and went to the desert, we are the ones who said no turning back to the shamefulness of this world. We are the ones who the creator of the world had to step down and wash the feet lowly like a servant boy.

We are the generation of the faithful, who have to live in holiness to await the groom. We are more than kings, no more would we loathe over the wasteful lands, we are ones above conquerors, we have our hearts conquered by the one who created the heart itself, we do not have to conquer SKYRIM over and over again to win it.

 We are more than power, nothing on this earth is powerful when we have the Lord, God YHWH at our right hand, no not the sun - for we have held the sun in its place, no not the moon, we have told the moon to stall over a valley, no, never the seas, we did not have to be thrown into the sea, but just say the winds and sea to be still, but yet one day the very God who said this all, had to be a shame and the sun covered its rays so that the shamefulness and nakedness of mankind be not shown in the God who made the sun a round ball. Are we still faint?

We are more powerful than life, we spoke the winds blew and dry bones became men, we are more powerful than death, we heard and we walked out of the tomb, yet in all these things, the very God had died, stayed in the belly of the earth, for three days and three nights.

 We are more, and much more than heights, we scale heights in Dubai, we do not have Acrophobia or vertigo, we do not fear high places or positions, but we were silent when the High priest and his servants hurt the one who first loved us, we are not scared of depths, because the depth His love had was so strong that he came down tearing the very fragment of time and space continuum.

Now, since the time is torn, in his love, could our sins of yesterday or the our petty fears to tomorrow be able in any manner tell us that we are sinners and have no more the glory of God? Never, this is love, time is torn, space is torn, powers are diminished, angels and demons are silenced, death is dead, kaboom and no more so now if we are dead we rejoice, for the very word of God that did all this is our Life.

This is Jesus Christ, my King , your King. The winds silenced, the rocks quietened, the fire stopped crackling , there like Elijah I stood and in the stillness of the entire universe, I heard his voice, the voice that said to me, “I'll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.”

For He is the resurrection and the life. This is not a fairy tale, this is the truth recorded in words, written about the very word of God that said, let there be light and so, the men who walked in darkness was shone the light of God, that then for ever, should always fall on my knees and my tongue should tell always, that Jesus Christ is Lord, not above the trees and plants, but over every cell and chemical in my body, that every atom should resound his name as they continue to make me alive, for now death, be shamed for I am the glory of God.

This my friends, is a Christian, no longer a church goer, but a church maker, building life to the broken, pouring healing to the sick, anointing mercy to the fallen, crowning glory to the humble, kings who have been given a second chance, the only chance and kings who said, "yes Lord, here I am".

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