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Christmas - BUT FOR WHOM

The Fest of Atonement
( Falls on 2009 on Sunset of September 27 through nightfall of September 28 )

The above link is the festival of Jews known as Yom Kippur, the fest of atonement, ie:Atonement in Judaism is the process of causing a transgression to be forgiven or pardoned. and repentance. Jesus is the lamb of God, for repentance, He was born in this period as he was the sacrificial lamb, the festival of Atonement, was a shadow to Jesus, not on 25th December. i will be adding to the noise about these, please confirm with me the facts i am saying

1. a human lady, when pregnant takes : 40 weeks, though a normal range is from 37 to 42 weeks to give birth, ie in months 9.months , approx 7 days
2. its 27deg Celsius to -3 degree Celsius in December in Israel, in nights it can fall upto 10 degrees or even lesser,
3. sheep may survive cold but not so much, but those days even for poor shepherds rain and snow, see yahoo weather, Israel.
4. lets assume one thing here, Mary , mother of Jesus, got pregnant at this some time of say within a week or month after the angel said; so as in Luke( who is a doctor) the angel
visited Mary according to the bible , in Luke : 1:26
In the sixth month (of Elizabeth), God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary. 28The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you."

ok so far all clear,

now lets learn one more fact, New testament is written in Greek, and the parents of Jesus were Jews, so they might have followed either the Greek or Hebrew/ Jewish calender, ok

read about John the baptist birth, and his ancestor from Aaron's list,

A descendant of Aaron and head of a family of priests. When King David divided the priesthood into twenty-four divisions, each to serve at the sanctuary for a one-week period every six months, Abijah was chosen by lot to head the eighth division (I Chr 24:1, 5, 10).
according to 1 chro 24:10, we see Abijah's group was 8th out of 24 for a Jewish ceremonial year MArch-April ,
this means he would finish his work by end of the fourth month.
so Elizabeth was pregnant in the fourth month of Israel,
adding dates:
4th month - "June-July" - Service ends for Abijah's clan
5th month - " to " - Elizabeth 's first month starts
6th month - "August-September " - Elizabeth's second month
7th month - " to " - Elizabeth's third month
8th month - "October-November " - Elizabeth's fourth month
9th month - " to " - Elizabeth's fifth month
10th month- "Dec-Jan" - Elizabeth's sixth month (also Mary's first month starts)
11th month- " to " - Mary's second month
12th month- "February-March" - Mary's third month
1st month - " to " - Mary's fourth month (also John's Birth)
2nd month - " to " - Mary's fifth month
3rd month - " to " - Mary's sixth month
4th month - " to " - Mary's seventh month
5th month - " to " - Mary's eighth month
6th month - "August-September or September October" - Mary's ninth (about the time of festival of trumphets) [ as the Jewish calender has some correction methods CLICK HERE TO KNOW]

which was a good climate in Israel, cool to hang out with friends and sheeps and wait for an angel to sing "hallelueh!!!"...

Final word, I dont want your Christmas Celebrations to go in vain, but i want you to realise, that you may not be celebrating Jesus's Birthday, but some Egyptian, Sumerian, Noah-time "pagan " god of "God knows What"


S Mathew said…


On some other check i found that the dates go upto may or even upto march. but later on much thought, i felt that (especially after alpha course) i was pulling the wrong end of the rope,i felt that though christmas was a rebel celebration to oppose some pagan worship, and we ended up taking ,ost of it, its anice time to celebrate with family and till we get our heads right, we have to accept that its a good time to atleast talk freely about the the glory of God. Subin

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