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James Series | Patience and the Gift of God in Healing | James 5:7-20

 Continuing from Warning to the Rich



Verses from ESV

  1. Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains.
    • James tells us, especially those who are 
      • oppressed
      • running away
      • missionary with no result
      • those who wait on the Lord
      • those who are sick or have a loved one who is sick
      • those who have to bear with an unbelieving or rude, or hash family member
    • that we have to be patient. Brothers, we are not professionals. We are his children. We have only God whom we trust and wait on. Colossians 1:11,  2 Timothy 2:6, Deuteronomy 28:12; Joel 2:23; Hosea 6:3 -- we have to wait like the time Joel says - We have to wait for the Lord to bring his effect into our life. This will take time. Brothers between the both rains there was a significant 6 month period. We saw that in the IAM series where we saw the festivals. They happened between the rains. In the same manner we have to bear fruits of patience. People we share the Gospel will not suddenly abandon their evil ways till God's spirit work on them. Who changes the heat of men from stone to heart of flesh? 
    • Ezekiel 36:26 --- This is what the verse says. The Spirit of God comes to save a sinner. 
    • What did the apostles say in Acts 2:14-19 ... the latter rain comes when the Spirit indwells and lives with you. We are people of the Spirit. 
    • * See 1 Thessalonians 5:19 --- Church Fathers like Justin Martyr said the following
      • For the prophetical gifts remain with us, even to the present time. And hence you ought to understand that [the gifts] formerly among your nation have been transferred to us. And just as there were false prophets contemporaneous with your holy prophets, so are there now many false teachers amongst us, of whom our Lord forewarned us to beware; so that in no respect are we deficient, since we know that He foreknew all that would happen to us after His resurrection from the dead and ascension to heaven.’ (Dialogue with Trypho, ch.39)
  2. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
    • James says, just like the farmer is patient, so too we should be. Strengthen your heart. if you cannot, call your brother and say and let him strengthen you. The command is true because we believe in the return of the Lord. See Isaiah 35:3 --- Hebrew 112:12 --- Why? Because you are not an illegitimate child of the King. see Hebrew 12:11
  3. Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door.
    • This is the reason we do not grumble. We are people of the Spirit. this means, we wait and wait in patience. Let me give you an exhortation. Many people just having read Calvin or Luther have decided to rise up against false teaching. Brothers, we need to understand what false teaching is before we rise up. If it is against the Gospel, it is false teaching , else it is misunderstood or wrong teaching. The church is not a place for label people as false teachers or false prophets or false healers. Imagine this, you have a back ache, you went to the GP and she prescribed you Ibuprofen. Now, the pain is gone. There is no more inflammation. After a few days, the pain has come back. Would you call the doctor a false doctor. No, we will be kind and give them the benefit of doubt and pursue healing. 
    • In the same manner, when someone exegetes a portion wrongly and says that the gifts of the Spirit has ceased, do we call them a false teacher? No we do not. especially  people like John Macarthur. You can say that Pastor John is misguided or his understanding is wrong. This is what James is saying here. BE Kind. Do not be Judges where you are to judge. Go and approach them. If they are far from the truth have nothing to do with them. But if they have some truth Paul tells the manner to approach them in the right manner. See 1 Timothy 5:1 
    • Remember there is a judge. The Judge is here and if you are going to play the judge, then you are sitting in his seat. We saw that in Chapter 4. If we are quick to judge, then we will bear the same. If you are straight as an arrow and will go to a church only after you have been convinced of its doctrine, and live with your knowledge and seek to learn more and if your conscience is at peace, be free to judge. But if there is a shimmer of doubt, then hold your tongue.
    • All criticism must be confirmed with confession. Matthew 7:5 take the log out of your own eye. 
    • Should we not be judge? See the next verse, Matthew 7:6 --- be discerning, we are not to be simpletons.
    • False teachers are those who push you away from the Gospel - See Calvin's commentary. " But by dogs and swine he means here those who are so thoroughly imbued with a wicked contempt of God, that they refuse to accept any remedy."
  4. As an example of suffering and patience, brothers, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. 
    • James is in this verse saying that they too, we too brothers are in the line of those great believers. They believed in God, they spoke in the name of God yet they suffered, they endured with patience. They were driven away, chased, had to disguise themselves, stay hidden and endure persecution. Brothers, if we are their brothers then we too will be in such suffering. Therefore like in James chapter 1 "FLEX" your muscles of faith as you need to be patient. Out suffering will not be in vain. James tells us to be sure that God will NEVER abandon us. We are his children. Note: We will be therefore partakers in the hardship before Christ comes.
  5. Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.
    • James tells us that when we go through such suffering, we develop patience that we are not angry or agitated easily. James brings a well known Jewish example - Job.  Job was like us. There was sin in him but he prayed and gave sacrifices daily. Yet, through all the suffering he did not curse God. He was waiting for the Lord. Let us wait for the Lord. God is merciful and compassionate. Did Job get an answer to his suffering? No, but was he given an answer . yes. that God knows more than him. Brothers we may not understand everything, but God does. This is our hope. This is our trust. We do not trust a logical condition but in GOD. Remember what we learned in chapter 2:19 --- saying that you have faith is different from being ready to step in faith.
    • See the Bible Project's video on Job (YouTube)
    • We should understand and hold fast that we have a good father who knows us. This should be our encouragement to seek him. We should not grow weary. See Galatians  6:9 of doing good. The context talks about helping others being holy. In many cases your suffering may seem heavy and burdensome. This may not sound to be part of this talk, but this in in my opinion very much part of this. Brothers, when we love people, when we want to be in other peoples life, when we say we are a church, then we will get our hands dirty. It is not just praying for them, it is crying with them. Sitting down with them that their loved ones are saved, and all these require steadfastness. It requires us to be persistent in prayer.
  6. But above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath, but let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no, so that you may not fall under condemnation.
    • We have seen elements of faith
      • patience: chapter 1
      • brotherliness: chapter 1
      • impartiality: chapter 2
      • steadfastness: chapter 1
      • dependency: chapter 2
      • being humble: chapter 3
      • being mindful of life: chapter 4
    • now we will see honesty.
    • See (Deuteronomy 6:13; Deuteronomy 10:20; Psalm 63:1-2)
    • See  (Isaiah 65:16; Jeremiah 12:16; Jeremiah 23:7-8)
    • See  Matthew 5:34, Matthew 23:16-22
    • James is not saying the use of the term but rather the evidence of being honest. This is a hard thing for a lot of us. Especially the proud. The proud and the timid will lie in order that they are not made a fool. Brothers, what happens if people think of us as a fool. Brothers, we are fools for believing in the Gospel says the sinner (1 Corinthians 1:18) … what happens if we are honest. 
    • Brothers honesty is not a virtue but an understanding of how you stand with God. If God considered you important, then being a fool in front of the world is OK.
    • Look at your great King. His creation covered his all seeing eyes and slapped him and asked who slapped you. If the world could mock its creator, why are you shamed to be mocked?
    • The root issue is either pride or the desire to be accepted. We have been accepted by Christ. Then put away this sinful attitude.
    • Talking about No
      • Don't hurt your self through time
      • If there is unspoken, try to talk it out
    • Talking about Yes
      • Pleasing people is an issue
  7. Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise. 
    • If you are happy, let your house be filled with songs. Not Bollywood but songs of praise to God. It will change the life of your family. Sing it. I tell my self and sing with a  broken voice. We are often astonished by how Appu sings to worship God. Cease every moment to Praise God. you may not have many.
  8. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.
  9. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 
    • Remember that James is talking about Christians here and not unbelievers. So the following applies to believers and not evangelistic outreaches.
      • 1 Peter 2:24-25
      • Matthew 8:16-17
      • Healing is meant to bear witness to the proclaimed gospel (Acts 14:3). It is a visible manifestation that the kingdom of God is taking ground from the kingdom of Satan. And it is a herald of God’s coming final triumph. When we pray for healing, it is one way we pray, “Your kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10).
      • None of us has authority to heal a body, only the Creator does (Acts 3:12–13). That’s why we always pray in Jesus’s name. And when God heals someone, he does it for the common good of the church and as a witness to the world.
    • Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray  -- Him. Brothers we come to God in prayers for he has borne our suffering. Isaiah 53:4 Then come to the cross. There is healing. Brothers, James is telling here that suffering is temporary. There may be -- if the Lord wills relief from suffering even on this side of eternity. Please do not get this wrong. James never said that suffering is the only way out. We are not here to bear suffering to enter the kingdom of God. Our suffering is just a part of God working in us. It is not a punishment or a mantra or karma that we need to carry. This is done for at the cross. There is no way you will please God by inflicting yourself with disease. Please do not misunderstand that bearing patience in suffering is same as karma. No, we have the invitation to seek God to ask him to take our suffering away. Paul did that too. Three times (or more) he prayed. His suffering was not removed, but he was given grace. Brothers, Christians suffering is never permanent and on this side of eternity too  it is still temporary in some cases. It is God who take it away.
    •  Who should pray?
      • The sick: because they are believers
      • The faithful: because they are to exercise their faith
      • The elders: because God holds them accountable as shepherds & Christ being the chief Shepherd
      • There is a wonderful video online where Matt Chandler is being prayed for my John Piper, Grudem and others. It is such a beautiful prayer. See it here
      • & In the name of Jesus - Why? Because he bore our sins, shame, suffering.
      • Prayer of faith
        • Do not think its not your lack of faith that one is not healed and at the same time do no pray casually. Pray with faith. James encourages us to do so.
    • The oil was often used as a symbol of the Spirit and also a medicine.
      • Medicine: Good Samaritans story
      • Holy Spirit: 1 Sam 16:13
    • Therefore be ready to do pray. In ever season. Pray with expectation for God to heal
    • But what if?
      • No, there is not what if. Lord is the one we pray for. It is not our strength or our gifting. See, the elders are send not the healers. There was no healer in the church. The gift of healing was given when and where God required.
    • Some of us love the early church fathers …
      • IRENAEUS (130-202) - Against Heresies “Those who are in truth Jesus’ disciples, receiving grace from Him, do in His name perform miracles, so as to promote the welfare of other men, according to the gift which each one has received from Him. For some do certainly and truly drive out devils, so that those who have thus been cleansed from evil spirits frequently both believe in Christ, and join themselves to the Church. Others have foreknowledge of things to come: they see visions, and utter prophetic expressions. Others still heal the sick by laying their hands upon them, and they are made whole. Yea, moreover, as I have said, the dead even have been raised up, and remained among us for many years” (2:32:4).
      • Tertulian,  (150-220)
      • Origen  (185-254) [There are still preserved among Christians traces of that Holy Spirit which appeared in the form of a dove. They expel evil spirits, and perform many cures, and foresee certain events, according to the will of the Logos” (Against Celsus 1:46). ],
      • NOVATIAN (200-258) -- agrees with Tertulian and Irenaeus
      • Cyril of Alexandrea (313-386) [ If you be counted worthy of the grace, your soul will be enlightened, you will receive a power which you had not, you will receive weapons terrible to the evil spirits; and if you cast not away your arms, but keep the Seal upon your soul, no evil spirit will approach you; for he will be cowed; for verily by the Spirit of God are the evil spirits cast out.” (17:36)].
    • Does it mean all will be healed?
      • No, we are told to only pray. It is God who brings healing. Sometimes when praying for healing, God would reveal that there are unforgiven or unrepentant sins. See, we are not giving a formula, we are the people who live under God, and are putting our lives in His wonderful hands. This means that there is a place for exchange. He will talk to us and we will receive healing for our sick. This is a Church - a place to expect God working. 
      • Now there is also another explanis the same word ation.
        • the word save  sózó or σῴζω that is used in Matthew 1:21. It has more meaning. It means that the prayer will save their souls too. And in that context it can also mean that egeiró or ἐγείρω is the same used in Matthew 3:9, Matthew 17:7 and Matthew 20:19.
      • Are they both in opposition to each other? No, they are not. see Job 13:15. IT is God who decides when and where and which side of eternity to be healed. But know this one thing brothers. Revelation 21:4
  10. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
    • And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. 
      • Pray can also bring in repentance. We need to confess our sins. There is always a feeling that I have sinned against God only. But no, our sin is communal. It will affect our relationship some how. 
    • How do we do it
      • Confess To each other 
        • (not to) pastor, priest, bishop, etc
        • it develops accountability
        • it produces character
        • we will care for each other that we may not fall.
        • it brings the fear of the Lord - see Acts 19:17-20
        • (be wise in what you tell and how much is necessary)
          • as not to tempt
          • as not to feel superior
          • as not to be misunderstood
    • But the Bible also teaches us that healing, like other spiritual gifts and fruitful labors, can be inhibited by our lack of faith (Mark 6:5–6; Matthew 9:22, 9:29; Luke 17:19). “Lack of faith” is not a club with which we beat afflicted people with shame. It is primarily a diagnostic question to ask ourselves. Do we believe God loves to give good gifts, including healing, to his children? Do we have the boldness to ask him in faith? Do we avoid seeking this gift because we don’t believe God will answer and we don’t want to look powerless, be disappointed, or make God look bad? If we find our faith is small, the best thing to do is begin to ask. We can ask for more faith and begin to pray for healings. (see
      • Pray
        • for each others
        • so that we are saved together.
        • STOP being an island Christian. (I had a terrible idea of an island Church. We are not called to do it alone. We are called to be one. Fishers of men - its a plural - everywhere the call is corporate.)
      • The prayer of the righteous has great power.
        • We want to pray for revival and ask for His Kingdom here. I love reading about revivals - but the greatest revivals happened in places where you would see places where old women would kneel and pray and God send his holy affection.
        • The idea of fervent in this context is strong. “It might be rendered literally: ‘Very strong is the supplication of a righteous man, energizing.’” (Meyer)
  11. Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth
  12. Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit.
    • James exhorts to be prevalent in prayer like Elijah.
    • Did Elijah create the weather?
      • No, Elijah knew the heart of God and he spoke what God impressed on his heart.
      • Later, Elijah stepped in that promise and prayed
      • Baal is the God of thunder. -- If Baal spoke rain would come.
        • Elijah knew who he followed. Elijah shut Baal up with the prayer.
      • See how prayers shut up demons.
    • What should we take back from here? Shall we pray and twist God's hand in giving what we want? No, obviously. Prayer is a response to God's leading. It is a submission to his work. Your will be done. See that is the prayer our Lord Jesus taught us. When we close this section, we can repeat this prayer too. See that prayer. It is short, but it is with faith. There is no dependency except ultimate dependency on God.
  13. My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, 
  14. let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.
    • Brothers, remember that we are called to call back the brother who has walked away. We are called to pursue. See how James tells this - Go. This is the way James ends the message. Brothers, we cannot sit plainly but rather pursue God and pursue people.
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.


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