A Wikipedia page shows that people the earth called as Great. Among this list are several kings, emperors, mighty ones who conquered many lands. These are indeed the mighty men, great leaders of earth. A close look at their lives tell that they were in power either by proxy, conquest, inheritance or abduction or election. All these so called greats were either nobodies or princes until they took the power in their manner. There has not been a baby who could be called King. Yet, the wisest of men from the east came to meet the one who was born King (of Jews) [Matthew 2:2]. The came to worship him. They came to make the peace treaty with him before he declared war. A tactical move in wisdom.
Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him. (Psalm 2:12 ESV)
Jesus did not come as a prince to inherit the kingdom or a revolutionary to take over a kingdom (in fact Jesus moves away) but was born King. Born to rule. The Bible puts this in the story of a land owner who has leased his land to people who have damaged it and the owner coming to get it. However, in the story there is a suffering servant, one who takes the beating and is killed by these land owners.
Jesus is indeed King. He said that in various places in the Bible, he said to his disciples that the Kingdom has come and will be fulfilled. This King and His kingdom is unlike another. The King has already taken the first step and the land trembles at it. Even at His birth there were forces trying to kill him. The Kingdom is quite different. The kingdom is compared to a seed as small as a mustard seed, it starts small, but it will grow and grow and win. The kingdom is not going to appear with signs of conquest, but even the might of Rome could not overthrow the Jewish King and his band of followers. #
This kingdom is growing, citizens who fall down to the King are increasing, but the King and the kingdom know that there would be persecutions and then one day in the midst of violence, the rightful King will come back and establish him throne. This is the story of the Bible. A Kingdom that changes heart with love, people who changed how slavery, women, children, health, faith and love was done and changed the society and the nations, a kingdom made of all peoples, this is the kingdom of this King.
He was born a baby, weak and cold, he died outside the city, rejected and insulted, his followers were killed, his new followers were persecuted, yet their values and lifestyle changed the world. This is the kingdom. So let the herald sound out - hark the herald - We have a new King - an eternal King.
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWI4DdXbCak
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