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Showing posts from October, 2013

Are all religions paths to God

When I was growing up, I was introduced to a wide range of culture and believes, it may have been because like London, Dubai too was and is a pluralistic society although the core religion of Dubai was Islam. Although having been raised in a Christian family, I was given some freedom to choose and find my own believes. Like most people raised in a pluralistic society, I believed in communal harmony and unity of religions. Now, being an Indian also exposed me to the vibrant culture I have at home and this was fueled by my interest in Ahimsa and Gandhian views in life. I too at that age wanted to write “my experiments with truth”. One of the many stories and moral lessons I had learned then, is as follows. <em>Once upon a time, there were five blind men, and they during their usual walk, came across a large elephant in their path. The first person touched the trunk of the elephant and said that it was a huge pipe, the second the stomach and said it was a huge wall, the third the t

Zombie rabbit and other stories

One of the most heard of arguments against the resurrection of Jesus is that the people of ancient times were simple and they did not have the time on advantage of the modern day technology to determine if the risen Jesus was an illusion or real stuff. Recently reading through think theology's blog on the "<a href="">extraordinary evidence</a>" , I decided to write this blog. Sometime ago Micheal Ramsden an apologetic for Christian faith had used this example, and here it is. <blockquote>My friend had a dog and it was very mischievous. One morning it brought in the neighbours pet rabbit in his mouth. My friend was frightened and was helpless to this cruel act his dog had done. The dog had killed the neighbours' pet. So, my friend being a coward as he was took the rabbit out of the dog's mouth and washed the body and dried it, fluffed the hair wit