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Showing posts from August, 2012

The Top 5 Questions by Ravi Zacharias and William Lane Craig

Apologetics 315: The Top 5 Questions by Ravi Zacharias and William ... : Ravi Zacharias and William Lane Craig answer what is perhaps the most asked questions of all time: What is the meaning of life? and more.... Subin Your browser does not support the canvas element.Get Google Chrome or the view Enhancement software for HTML5 site from here Click Here

Evidence of Christ in Creation

On a recent talk with Jehovah Witness, I realised the truth Christ had been telling me. I was reading the first chapter of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as told by John, popularly known as John's Gospel. In this the very first verse says, "In the beginning  was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning." Note the fact that the Greek say "εν" and not "κατά ", which means "in" and not "at". We know for fact from English literature, if I said arrive "IN" time, it is expected that the person arrives five or ten minutes prior with time to spare. So, when God began to create, my argument is that Jesus was there. But this is more when we look into the Bible, we find John says the same words from the Hebrew book Torah, and the first part "B ereshit  ( בְּרֵאשִׁית , literally "In the beginning") -- Genesis". John plays a striking connections from this book in Torah,

Desert Walk

For many of us, when it comes to learning the Bible, we are faced with enough and more distractions. I had opened this page to start writing and then gone and read a lot of nonsense. Then another distraction, and then another. The best manner is to turn off your phone and try to sit down in prayer. So, here I am. Now some one had told me that the best three books to learn in the Bible , when you are new in Christ is John, Romans and Ephesians. I do not intend to say that other books are not good or equal, but only state the fact that these three books are the like a summary to the Bible. So in this school of thought, I guessed as I had posted in a VLOG earlier last month, Lord0- take me to the dessert,  I believe he had put that desire in me. Desert is the sweetest place on earth. Let me tell you why. If you lived in a city away from the desert you would always wonder when you might be lost on the desert, and if you were to live by the desert, you would always fear when the desert