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Future of Internet of things

Hi everyone,

Have you ever tried to teach your mum how to use word processing when you were away from her? "Mum click on the floppy like icon on the top .... no, not the red X, no, not the white page .... ", you now the drill. Haven't you wished that you could control her computer from where you are and show her this. Some years back when I worked at technical support, I have used some programs called "GoToAssist" provided by Citrix Solution. It ran on a Java based platform, and was a proprietary and paid software. Well, for those of you who want to run your own technical support, here is the thing for you.  This technology is called Virtual Network Computing. The Wikipedia article is quite informative. Also read on Remote Desktop Protocol.

Google Inc. is a very competitive company, in an advertisement many years ago, they predicted Google as a leading computer business company. With Google's Android OS and Chrome OS (an operating system based on the Chrome browser) , Ad sense, NFC, Maps, and many more, Google seems to be on a go. This is too good for Microsoft and Apple Inc. to compete with. In Google, its about products. It reminds me of a verse in the Bible, Ecclesiastes 11:1 , it tells to diversify your resources. So, Google, when they have a new OS, it would like its users to have features that could make the users feel that they have done a good thing by moving over to Chome OS. All the softwares that could run on Chome OS, is tested on the Chrome Browser, because it is famous and the results could give good variance. So, today, I would tell of a RDP based software or application (app) from the Chome guys.

Chrome Remote Desktop (Beta)

It is a Remote Desktop Software, in its Beta form, so we could expect a release version soon. For this you would need a Chrome browser. The app was found in the Chrome store, and once I installed it, I was able to use it pronto. Here are some shots. 
In a matter of 2 minutes or even lesser, I installed it, ran it on my computer. It installs a Java plug-in, and within  no time I was able to use it. I controlled from Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 Beta) to My Windows Vista PC, and backward. It worked absolutely brilliant.

 The transitions were smooth and really orchestrated. I was provided a screen with Share Now  or Access Now.  If I wanted to share my screen, I chose that and got a code. I clicked access now on the other computer, and entered the computer. All applications were allowed the last time I checked including Dos prompt and terminal window (linux) . This is indeed a brilliant thing. Many blogs keep complaining about Google scapping their project, but I havee a stong feeling that this may stay as it would only increase the popularity of the Chome OS. Now with Chome browsers available on Android devices, It would not be late before this is possible on Android devices. In the meanwhile see the video I recorded. Let me remind you that it is my first VDO with a 5.0Pix Android phone and do apologize for the shake in it.

NOTE : A further analysis with Wireshark led me to believe that STUN protocol and probability the IBM Systems Network Architecture Protocols(SNA) are also being employed. SNA is widely used in remote IP connectivity and this has even some VPN and Layer 2 tunnelling protocols  is also invoked. However, the sessions are secure, with TLSv1 Protocols strictly employed. But there are more realisation of UDP based protocols which may be Google's bag of tricks. With this even corporate firewall was penetrated to provide VLAN through tunnelling. This may be of concern to employers.

Download the Chrome Application

United Pursuit Band - Story Of Grace

Also, You might want to check out these applications on Google Play for Android.

Remote Control   BY (Team Viewer) It works in the same manner to control your desktop by running a script, a more WIMPS based script, but with this you can control your computer, Linux, windows, Mac from your android. It does not need Wifi. It works over any network. (YES, you need INTERNET on both devices.)

Remote Desktop BY (
Kołakowski Damian): It lets you control your phone, sent SmS from your computer over the WiFi, to your mobile device on an 8080 port. A simple but brilliant application. It needs WiFi to work. Ubuntu were planning this some time ago, but I guess some brains are too big to be caged. (YES - no need of USB cable)

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