Recently it occurred to me that hope is not an universal thing. Really?? Well, let me put it in this manner .... Tom wants a chocolate fudge cake for his birthday, his birthday is around 10 months away. Now if he did hope that he gets it, he is positive that he would be alive the next day, and the next and the next. So, then hope is a by-product of what he believes. This is the basis of Christianity. Welcome to another session of ...
The hope that Christians have is based on teaching that has been passed down from people who lived over 2000 years . But the best part is that there are still evidences and historical documents that support this. Well, does Christianity stop with that?? No, its more. Love is something we call "strange" and "odd". We all could understand the love a mother has to her kids, a lover to his lover , but the odd thing is the Christian's love. I agree that this is rare, but that is the thing that bound the early Church. They were one in mind and heart. Everyone sold things they had and brought it to the church so that it could feed the ones that did not.
I was really busy today waiting for a call from a bank manger approving my loans and he had failed me again. I felt really broken, and I called one of my mentors to talk about it. He asked me to wait a while without getting angry with the manager. I went to pray about it. It was surprising. I felt so encouraged after the prayer. There was hope in my prayer, i knew that God who had me in his hands has all this and much more in his palm. Isn't that more worth?
Most of you have heard of the Darwin's theory of natural selection. But do you know that Hitler tried to bring to practice. He had a list, Aryans Race on the top, then mixed Aryans, .... till Africans, and Jews at the bottom. He was crushed when Jesse Owens won at the Berlin Olympics. The weak race defeated the stronger ones. For those in Darwinism "hope" is merely a thought that pulls them down. All they fear and believe is that one day someone better in natural selection than him would replace him. How scary right?? Well he nearly killed all the Jews. Strange race are the "Jews" right??
In Isaiah God says that "He will never forget them". And even after so many things that happened to them the race still exists. God is a God of promises. To realise that to hope in God is to wait patiently while the walls crumble and fall and believe in his word that no stone would hurt you. Many of you may be going through seriously irritating, frustrating things in life. I realise that a bank manger can spoil three days of my life simply by asking me to wait for a call and not returning a call, and yes it is testing and but as my mentor said to me, wait and be patient. God tells to his people once
Be still and know that I am God.
To hope is scary, and let me tell you that its absolutely fine. Disciples who walked with Jesus lost hope even when he was with them. Jesus and his disciples went on a boat and storm came. Jesus was sleeping at the time of the storm. When the disciples asked him why did he care not about them, he said he did. His answer to the storm was sleep. He cared less about the storm.
Lets learn to sleep in storms ....