... continuing on the series called Basic Lessons ... Basic Lessons is an understanding of the early Church or the Church of the first century AD. There were some key things they did and they followed it gladly ...
I was talking to my mentor today and telling him about the things i heard in the church about basic and real Christianity. He pointed out that Christ was really very simple to follow and his teachings were easy to keep up as long as we did not put our ideas to make Christianity a religion. We all love that, don't we? We just love to complicate things just so that we look smart or "cool" but the reality that Christians have to face today is the Churches they go to and the rituals or systems they follow is actually adulterated. 1 % Christ to 99% Strict teaching that some people at the church felt cool about. Be it any Church, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, Marthomite or anything for the matter.
My uncle is a retired Food Inspector of the Southern Railways in India. He was educating me today on various ways people adulterated food material and the actions he took against them while he was in the railways. But he says, there were many food that were not adulterated too. Similarly, early Church too faced troubles with people calming to follow Paul's teaching or Pter's teaching etc. We should be able to understand what Paul says very clearly.
Paul says, you cannot change the core value which is Jesus Christ and that is all that matters.
In the early church they not only ate together, but they visited and cared for each other. They had only one thing to say and that was how good God was. I was telling my mentor that the early Church broke bread at each one's house and the story of the doctor's visit, he added if some one were to visit you and you partake the Lord meal with him and enjoy the presence of Lord in his life, you are so much closer to him and you remove any place for vain talk. Just think about this, a clergy man visits you, would you talk about the latest movie or the latest good thing that happened in your life? Why can't we do that with a fellow believer?
Being a Christian is of strict discipline, but the really is only when we hear Jesus' voice. Jesus did not say sell your Ferrari and be a monk, he said
" My york is easy and my burden is light".
Lets uncomplicate things .... Learning to understand Lord is learning to understand that he does not ask too much of you and he is more than willing to open the flood gates of heaven and fill you with provisions.