Paul Oakley's "Jesus Friend Of Sinners" was the first thing that came to my mind when I was about to start this blog. Back in Sunday-school (its like Church for Kids) we had sung this song with some modifications. The chorus of this song goes " Jesus, Jesus, Friend of Sinners; Jesus, Jesus, Friend of mine;" and we had "Talk About It" echoing in the chorus, and when I look back I feel sad that I had lost the boldness to declare that I am a Christian as much as I did when I was a child. I recently had spend some time with my young cousins who were very bold to say "Jesus" because that was all that they cared about. Many a time we are also caught in this net of social and peer pressure that we do not say about the things we love or people we care about.
Recently in India there was a huge gathering of people in the capital and smaller in the cities and even smaller in the villages who were asking the government to bring out the "Anti-Corruption" bill. Even I was involved as I found it pretty neat and bold. Now, during this time when ever i met someone who i found it interesting to talk I brought about this topic and talked about it. It was only later I realised that I could do the same with Christianity and India being a country where its absolutely OK to talk about your religion, i should have. But I did not.
The series "Basic Lessons" is all about the early Christianity and how the Apostles got the matter correctly and would be more open to discussions and debates and what not. So thank you for reading the introduction and well here we go.