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Showing posts from July, 2011

Don't Call Me Disabled

This week i had another experience like that i wrote in " if an order exists  " a few months ago. The said blog was when I had met a friend who did not show any enthusiasm in studies at first, and i tried like to understand him by comparing him to known silent kids. But that was a big mistake and once I had understood that, I realized that there was more to kids than that meet the eye. Now, this blog is where i had another experience with this kind.  Now this kid is another cousin of mine. He was kinda slow around the age of 3-6 years and more overly had some trouble learning in the first few years of his life. But I do not think he was autistic. Now, well like many of you in developed and developing countries especially India, where education is strict, forced on children in kilos and often spoon-fed. That is another story that needs to addressed more strictly, but here in this story the kid is lets say slow or was in the first few years.  Now he is around 9 or 10 and re

Little Hearts - An introduction

"Little Hearts" as you see on the right hand side is a Facebook page of a new thing that i plan to start. Now i have no idea on the physical implementations, but i am planning to push this online as much as possible. Little hearts is a place for innovations and talents to rise. How is this different from all the other talent promoters??? Well, for the first case, Little Hearts will never call some one under talented or "No Specific Talent". The others are this would be mostly based to children who are less privileged to express themselves online. There would not be restriction of age or partiality given by the organisation , but will strive to make every one feel equal. Now since there is no age bar, it means my grand mother and my grand dad can be members and exhibit their talent. So....When is it starting ??? Soon, what i am doing now is collecting enough data so that by the time the blog comes out, there would be a good attraction and of course in time i wish

Totally Simple Faith - Part 2 : a simple woman's faith

The second part is an anecdote. This happened a long time ago and i have told this story of faith to many as  this had moved me deeply. Yet a beautiful memory emptied into this Pensieve. Now as a story is told, the story teller has the habit of a painter, adding new elements to the canvas. I have not tried this method for a long time, yet i am willing to try telling you a story in this style. Imagine a black canvas Imagine a white tent Imagine red banners written in Malayalam, It looks like the picture on the right. It reads "Yesu" which means "Jesus". The bigger letters are consonants and the smaller ones are vowels.  [ A brief explanation to read it : the sign like an inverted 3 is the sound "a" as in "alien" , the next noodle is "ya" as in "yak", the 3rd letter is "sh" as in "shoe" and the last one is "u" as in "shoe". so over all "Yeeshoe" ... and the people said "

Totally Simple Faith - Part 1 : With Edwin

My little cousin was recently telling me a story of how a certain boy found God. It was a simple story, a boy of 12 years old who had not been given any prior information of the existence of God or any information of religion, or the thought of a deity was found kneeling down and murmuring by his father. To his father's question on who was he talking to, the boy replied " I realized that there must be someone who can make somethings that men cannot do. So, I was speaking to this person" . For today's post i have my little cousin doing the graphics. I am starting a new series called Totally Simple Faith. Unlike many post this i hope would be different. I am planning to conduct some simple interviews and also tell stories of people i met in life (....24 years...)that tell about this faith.  Jesus said "Don't push these children away. Don't ever get between them and me. These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you

Why are there so many different churches ?

From: Have you not asked the question "Why are there so many different churches?" I could write about the creation of churches, and doctrinal opinions etc, but i want this to be understood by all and want to tell people what to look out for and what to look for. B asically most Churches are found on teaching of Jesus, and if you want to know about Jesus, check Wikipedia or walk into a church and ask or may be wait for my next post. Now, Jesus had done some major changes in the history of Jewish Religion and with the people there. And he had asked his disciples [means:students] (later known as apostles [means: ambassador])to spread his teachings and the good news of salvation (that means Jesus knows something to get you out of the rut of life). J esus taught principles of living (which does not include yoga) a life with a purpose and meaning, with a goal to achieve each day and a goal for life time. He had started some practices and end