This week i had another experience like that i wrote in " if an order exists " a few months ago. The said blog was when I had met a friend who did not show any enthusiasm in studies at first, and i tried like to understand him by comparing him to known silent kids. But that was a big mistake and once I had understood that, I realized that there was more to kids than that meet the eye. Now, this blog is where i had another experience with this kind. Now this kid is another cousin of mine. He was kinda slow around the age of 3-6 years and more overly had some trouble learning in the first few years of his life. But I do not think he was autistic. Now, well like many of you in developed and developing countries especially India, where education is strict, forced on children in kilos and often spoon-fed. That is another story that needs to addressed more strictly, but here in this story the kid is lets say slow or was in the first few years. Now he is around 9 or 10 and re up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally