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Fighting Sexual temptations

2 Timothy 2:22 Flee also youthful lusts. Big word, for small me! Praise the Lord, i am going through it, and many of you readers have or are going through it, and i promised God, i would write about it, but since it should be a dive into a relation, not a compromised relation with Christ, i think its time i address my problems too, and how God helps me to overcome. I always thought guys only are tempted, but with recent Christian reading, i realised both are. The following series may offend some of you, but i am ready to take a risk coz, i am "sick and tired" of falling for lust and sin, and i know many around me who are going through the same thing, and yet dont have an answer. thanks be to Lord, that he led Jeslin, Demis, Zeno (3 men of faith), into my life, and how their and others prayers are helping in my walk with Christ Jesus. Fact no 1: Baptism will NOT stop you from sexual thoughts/ lust/ pornography. Fact no 2: The truth of Jesus will only hurt you for the Holy Spirit tells you that you are wrong Fact no 3: The Bible, warns us that its wrong to look lustfully, then imagining is definitely worse. When i said that i changed, it doesn't mean i am less tempted, the truth being i may be more, and sometimes i am very much of a fool to be led to sin but the grace of God has pulled me out many times and yet in many others i was a failure; its not only the final destination in Christian walk that matters, its the walk too. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Mathew 5:28
The key steps i took to get my mind of porn: step 2: Got rid of all sorts of movies including "romantic-comedy" step 3: Got rid of all romantic, songs that were not Christian step 4: Deleted all my "non veg" messages from my inbox and cell phone step 5: Stopped talking about it to friends step 6: stopped visiting cafes/ internet resources alone / added span filters / changed search settings in google step 7: stopped exploring others pc's/ cell phones if i was using them step 8: stopped visiting porn sites,(in fact it aches my head to remember most of their name like when thinking for an essay you heard when you are wring an exam and has no clue - yup that headache) step 9: started to get busy by playing and washing, to run of excess energy step10: stopped staring at girls too much (looking is ok, but staring - come on you know wat i mean), even if they wore the best of outfits (even at church). Ladies please DRESS WELL that you may not cause your brother in Christ. This may be a bit sharp now " for heaven's sake please make sure you put in pins and clips that your inner clothes don't pop outside" Paul says "DRESS MODESTLY" in 1 Timothy 2:9 but still i found my self falling, then only i realised, that for me as a human sexual thoughts are very essential, i have to be able to admire my wife, else my marriage would end up a misery, and it was when i realised, that i had found sexual thoughts a sin because i was sinning against my Lord, not the woman or the actress or a prostitute, i was sinning against my Lord and his salvation. it was when i realised the first two steps. but STEP 0 and STEP 1: i missed! ya the bible only tells more about these steps. STEP 0 : READ THE BIBLE CONSISTENTLY ( Jeslin told me to read a verse every minute even if it wears you cause " I AM THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD") STEP 1 : PRAY AND RUN like Joseph did at the Potiphar's house in Genesis 39, RUN, Ya GET UP AND RUN!
The KJV says at Genesis 39:12, He left the garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out. Joseph got him out. No one else was going to get him out. God provides a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13), but you have to take the way out. He left his garment: The idea is not that he ran away naked, but that his outer garment was stripped off. Essentially, he left in his underwear.
The path is hard, but let me tell you, remember this, you reading this means you too have started your run from the master of sinning, and now its too close to the finish line, why quit now?.. when a little more can let you win the prize? We are men of Faith, we move by faith, and not by sight, may be we may fall a billion times in our walk with the Lord, but its the Lord and his Holy Spirit who gives us the strength to rise up again. We are to move and glide like eagles soaring the skies and not like snails on the floor, GET UP for your failures (my failures) is already forgiven!! Make this day a sacrifice to Lord! Our Lord has already forgiven you. You still have a chance. Keep on PRESSING TOWARDS the goal. For this was the very answer Lord gave when the came to him with the prostitute.
"Then neither do I(Jesus) condemn you(Sinner)," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin. John 8:11"
This is Your Day! Let the sin, shame dry and bury itself, for your walk is not to the pit you fallen but to the Lord who rose you up. Amen!
Galatians 5:1 says, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
God Bless


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