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Showing posts from June, 2019

Let There Be No Leven

  Context of Communion Ex. 12:21–28 The Israelities hurried to make the bread and the lamb for the Lord’s Passover. A transition from Egypt to the promised land, the death of the first born and therefore the heir of the family for Egyptians, and the calling of the nation from a family. The first Passover made these things, and God in his providence has wisdom planned things for us too in that process. A nation from a family The family of Jacob had grown and been a a multitude of people. They were commodity and nobodies. God unites then as a nation A worshipper and a people ( Ex 12:1-2) God calls the Israel as not just a nation but as a kingdom with God as the King (Theocracy) Instituted by Christ Matt. 26:26 Mark 14:12 ( On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb...) Luke 22:19 Do in remembrance John 13 Forgiveness of sins of many Do in remembrance Thanksgiving as participation What we ought to remember Christ Death my par