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New Worship song by Esther Mui

Help our unbelief

23 And Jesus said to him, "'If you can'! All things are possible for one who believes."  24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, "I believe; help my unbelief!"  (Mark 9:23-24, ESV) In the story above we see a  situation that can occur in our lives at times. We know that Jesus can do all things but sometimes we don't have deep rooted faith that move mountains. It's not that we are unbelievers but that we are notw ready to believe in the miraculous. Let's pray: Lord, help my unbelief. Amen

Let There Be No Leven

  Context of Communion Ex. 12:21–28 The Israelities hurried to make the bread and the lamb for the Lord’s Passover. A transition from Egypt to the promised land, the death of the first born and therefore the heir of the family for Egyptians, and the calling of the nation from a family. The first Passover made these things, and God in his providence has wisdom planned things for us too in that process. A nation from a family The family of Jacob had grown and been a a multitude of people. They were commodity and nobodies. God unites then as a nation A worshipper and a people ( Ex 12:1-2) God calls the Israel as not just a nation but as a kingdom with God as the King (Theocracy) Instituted by Christ Matt. 26:26 Mark 14:12 ( On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb...) Luke 22:19 Do in remembrance John 13 Forgiveness of sins of many Do in remembrance Thanksgiving as participation What we ought to remember Christ Death my par

Leviticus Redux: Leviticus Chapter 2

Emoji version 🌾||🥖+🧂(🍶) =🔥 Shorter version The main topic is grain offering. All grain offerings can be brought as bread that is unleavened and not sweetened with honey or grain or flour. It should be mixed oil or frankincense or both. Salt is compulsory. Part of this is given to the priests.  The salt was a strange thing. I think it might have been a costly or rare thing. Also they extracted the salt from the sea. It was used as a medicine and for preservation and healing.  Reference   Leviticus 2 Notes Matthew Henry MacArthur : Lev. 2:13 the salt of the covenant. This was included in all of the offerings in 2:4–10; 14–16 since salt was emblematic of permanence or loyalty to the covenant 

Leviticus Redux : Leviticus Chapter 1

Emoji version 🐃♂️|| 🐏♂️|🐐♂️||🕊️= 🧬➡️🍛🔥✔️⚕️ Shorter version It's a food offering. Male animals only. Bull or sheep or goat. Or turtledove or pigeon. its is mostly from herd or cattle. Its burned whole. Bigger animals are cut up and washed and burned and the smaller are torn up but partially. All animals and birds are burned whole. The blood is sprinkled on the alter and the entrance Animal has to be healthy and without blemish or physical damage  Place hand on head as atonement.  Reference Leviticus 1 Notes Mathew Henry MacArthur : Lev. 1:1–7:38 This section provides laws pertaining to sacrifice. For the first time in Israel’s history, a well-defined set of sacrifices was given to them, although people had offered sacrifices since the time of Abel and Cain (cf. Gen. 4:3–4). This section contains instructions for the people (Lev. 1:1–6:7) and the priests (6:8–7:38). For a comparison with the millennial kingdom sacrifices, see notes on Ezek. 45; 46.

Leviticus Redux: Overview

I have often found it impossible to read through leviticus and a recent conversation with my brother in law lead me to my understanding that I am very unfamiliar with the reason behind various laws. The leviticus redux is used to bring the best of what I understand from each chapter with a plethora (something a single reference) of links and notes as appendix to each chapter. Happy reading

The Nativity - by Gari Melchers

This could be my first ever critique of art that I have ever written and that is because it is only recently art has captured my interest as much as this work. This write up is made both in English and German as I want to practice my German.  'The Nativity' by Gari Melchers.  I am not an art expert and my critique is from a layman's point of view, but bear with me. I have tried reading some information about the art and the culture behind it and I have my two favourite blog posts about the same work and yes,  I have shamelessly copied some of their thoughts. Woebegone but Hopeful and other is by Lisa VO . Julius Garibaldi Melchers (August 11, 1860 – November 30, 1932) was an American artist. He was one of the leading American proponents of naturalism. He won a 1932 Gold medal from the American Academy of Arts and Letters.[1] - Wikipedia The Nativity is painted during the peak of realism movement - in a gritty and less idealised manner . For m

Rethinking Tithing

Every tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is the LORD's; it is holy to the LORD.  (Leviticus 27:30, ESV) Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.  (Malachi 3:10, ESV) I have heard the about tithing from the above two portion a lot. Pastors especially in pentecostal churches bring it up before an offering is collected. There are times when a pastor may repeat it, especially during Christmas and New year services when the need is a lot and income is less. I have been to prosperity churches where they misuse these verses a lot, even in some cases where they make it like a ponzi scheme where you gain 10 dollars / pounds / euros or rupees for every 1 you give away and then there are accompanied testimonials from the richest in

Musings over 1 Corinthians 7:14 - Unbelieving Spouse and Children

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash 1 Corinthians 7:13-14  For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy. (NASB)  This verse alone brings a number of questions about holiness, and sometimes we face these questions and situations when we wonder what this means and how does this apply to the household of a believer. One like mine, where both my wife and I are Christians and we strive to raise our 1 and 3quatar year old child in the faith we have known, learned and experience daily. The few questions we ask ourselves when faced by this verse are How does a couple make each other holy; especially in the case where a believing wife makes an unbeliever holy or vice-versa? Is it not the Lord who sanctifies a believer? Are children born holy?  There may be other portions of the Bible that say yes to these questions when we ask t